Pricing done with everyone in mind

Perfect for small and medium sized businesses, startups and freelancers

Our client’s


How long does it take set up ?
Your account will be set-up immediately. However you will be able to commence with processing payments, in 3-working days, once the necessary fees have been paid and all documentation have been finalized.
How Secure Is My Payment Info ?
All your data and sensitive information is stored on a secure server and is transmitted through high-level SSL encryption. We have partnered with Geo trust for all encryptions to ensure that all customer and merchant information are transmitted and stored securely. payment related sensitive info such as card number, wallet details are entered on the banks interface. As we are directly connected to a variety of banks (please refer to the home page for more details). WEBXPAY works on a custodian arrangement with our banking partners to arrange payouts to merchant accounts. All transactions are recorded and can be viewed at your convenience via our mobile app or online web portal. You receive notifications when transactions take place and also when the bank credits your payouts.
Does my business need to have a business registration for me to use WEBXPAY?
Yes. You will need a Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, Private Limited or Clubs & Society registration. If you need any assistance, we will be more than happy to help.
When will I get my Payments(Payouts)?
After the bank approvals process, your payment should reach your associated bank account within 1 working day.
Why Choose WEBXPAY?
Because we are your one stop shop digital payments solutions provider. We are backed by the regulator, linked with all leading local banks, multiple payment options, lowest processing fees, fastest merchant settlements, receiving in dollars & settling in dollars, multiple credit card installment options and many more brought to your fingertips. Additionally, we have no limit on the minimum and maximum payments. We are covered with 3D back-end security and a 24-hour support system. Our mobile app and the online dashboard provides you easy access to your account and transactions. We are Trusted by over 3000+ merchants island-wide with an unparalleled reputation in the financial sector.